When you order any one of our GSM watch phones, you get a FREE International-Walkie-Talkie(tm0 VoIP Calling account with 5 FREE Virtual Numbers with 24 hours access to our Global-Walkie-Talkie(tm) calling network allowing you to place FREE worldwide calling to friends and family on our network.
You can download our FREE videophone softphone and start to place calls all over the world.
Alternatively, you can order a Wi-Fi Phone, or any one of our ATA - Analog Telephone Adapter which will allow your existing phone over our International Walkie Talkie network, and thereby by passing expensive global calling. To order a wi-fi phone or other VoIP device, please visit: www.worldwidewalkietalkie.com
Once setup, we will send you detailed instructions on how to use your VoIP account and you will be able to establish phone service over any broadband connection, anywhere in the world.
Finally, you can use anyone of our wi-fi phones, or GSM/Wi-Fi phones to make and place calls worldwide. You can even interface your watch phone with your normal cell phone, and other phones where you call from
World-Wide-Walkie-Talkie(tm) gives you the FREEDOM to call when and where you want, and the freedom to choose any device you please for making phone calls, including your own computer.